Friday, December 7, 2012

Two years of a senior executive before retirement syndrome

Most of the senior executives/ senior bureaucrats become timid in taking bold decisions in 2 years period before retirement with a fear that wrong decision taken by them will affect the release of their pension. Had they taken those decisions in time it would have affected the lives of millions of people in a positive way but for protecting their own pension. This raises a question on democratic system whether they want to do good for millions of people or tolerate such a selfish creature of democracy. If the age war for pension is removed  & it is made voluntary, the losses to the exchequer will be much less than the salaries to effective persons. These 2 years before maturity needs to be considered seriously before the country goes to doll drums. The syndrome 2 years of prematurity needs serious view by democrats in India as there is no social security for the employees.

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