Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Research Organization & NGO not synonimous

There is confusion in many of the public servants heading development projects. They want to get the monitoring & evaluation of their project done by external agencies. They approach to NGOs arround. Many of whom have never even understood the intricacies of research but they jump into the fray to carry out monitorig & evaluation. Many of them even unable to differentiate between base line, mid term & endline evaluation. For them all these things are surveys. For them Qualitative data collection tools are same as quantitative data collection tools. These NGOs then start cajoling the polliticians / leaders to pressurise the development managers to assign these jobs to these NGOs. Neither the leader nor the development manager understands the importance of these reseach & evaluation activities. Thus evaluation process meets into casualty.

The M&E and research are specific jobs which require training & experience in consulting organzations or research organization rather getting a NGO registered under Society Act.
Be careful while selecting the agency.

Dr S K Trivedi

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